Travel Grants

The Dynamic Walking committee is working to make Travel Grants available for the 2022 conference, through a generous grant from the US National Science Foundation. Final determination is pending, but we will accept applications immediately.

The primary goal of the Dynamic Walking 2022 Travel Grant is to broaden the diversity of the conference participants and our interactions. We are requesting applications for travel grants to hopefully increase participation from historically underrepresented groups in science and engineering, e.g., racial and ethnic minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and other marginalized minorities. For more details on the conference, please see the Home page.

The Travel Grant application will be available from April 29th. It will request the submission of your CV, a headshot, demographic and geographical information, and a brief paragraph of how you can potentially broaden the diversity of this conference. It will also ask your request amount for the travel grant (up to $1000). Travel Grant award decisions will be made on a rolling basis starting May 3rd. The travel grant will be distributed as a reimbursement through the University of Pennsylvania.

Note: some restrictions may apply based on citizenship or institution of attendance; policy will be clarified when final.

Travel Grant Application

Mailing Address
Are you a US citizen
Is this your first time attending Dynamic Walking
Are you an individual from at least one of the historically underrepresented racial/ethnic or gender minority groups below?
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.
A brief paragraph describing yourself and how you can potentially broaden the diversity of this conference. The decision on the travel grant recipients will focus on members of the historically underrepresented minorities, but consideration will also be given to members of other minorities who face barriers to participation or travel.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.