Program Schedule
This schedule has been finalized. You can download a pdf document of the full schedule by clicking on the following link: Program schedule
Requirements and Tips for Posters and Presentations are on the page Poster and Presentation Information
Program Recordings
All the presentation & demo recordings have been updated, along with the backup copies (6/24). Due to the technical issues, most recordings on Monday and T1 session have been uploaded in two separate videos (Camera & Screen). Thank you for your patience and understanding!
<Day1: Monday, 6/13>
M1: Paradigm Shifts
- Adamczyk, Peter Welcome
- Hubicki, Christian Dynamic Locomotion as an Emergent Risk-mitigating Phenomenon
- Darici, Osman A single metabolic cost model predicts human-like walking parameters
- Shetty, Varun & Lee, Ung Hee Preference-In-The-Loop Optimization: Sample Efficient Active Learning for Control of Ankle Exoskeleton
- Johnson, Aaron Unifying swing leg retraction, Raibert heuristic, and paddle juggling with hybrid event shaping
M2: Optimization
- Renjewski, Daniel Flat feet and two peaks – how leg geometry shapes gait dynamics of human walking
- Cone, Stephanie Structure-Function Ties in the Achilles Tendon: Necessarily Complex or Overly Redundant?
- Usherwood, Jim Legs as linkages; muscles as tension struts. The mammalian hindlimb as a series of Watt’s 6-bar linkages
- Kamska, Viktoriia Functional soft tissue motion in the lumbosacral organ of birds
- Polet, Delyle Using Forelimb Muscles as Serial Spokes to Reduce Work and Power
M3: Robustness and Balance
- Wirth, Trenton Terrain complexity and the relationship between gaze and foot placement
- Bartloff, Jenny Leg muscle coordination for human postural control
- Torres, Daniel Standing Balance Controller for Biped with Gaussian Process-based Learning for Model errors, Noise, and Disturbances
- Gao, Yuan Exponential Stabilization of Periodic LIP Walking on a Horizontally Moving Surface
- Iqbal, Amir Analytical Approximate Solution to Mathieu’s Equation Enables Real-Time Motion
- Ambike, Satyajit Passive anterior-posterior body motion is exploited to improve either walking balance or walking efficiency based on environmental risk
M4: Robot Design1
- Badri-Spröwitz,
Alexander Leg clutching inspired by birds - Kiss, Bernadett The separate roles of the ankle plantar flexors in ankle push-off during human walking – A bipedal robot study
- Lin, Jianping Task-Invariant Control of Backdrivable Knee Exoskeletons for Partial Assistance
- Mo, An SELDA: Series Elastic Diaphragm Actuator
- Pieper, Riley Hoop Motors for Novel Exoskeleton Architecture
- Molinaro, Dean Joint Moment-Informed Exoskeleton Control
- Screen (Zoom)
- No sound recorded due to AV team’s mistake. We apologize!
- Riethmüller, Robin Generalizing Series Elastic Actuation
<Day2: Tuesday, 6/14>
T1: Optimization-Human Devices
- Winter, Amos Demonstrating the Utility and Sensitivity of the Lower Leg Trajectory Error (LLTE) Design Framework
- Folinus, Charlotte Design of commercially viable, personalized passive prosthetic feet
- Shepherd, Max The Footropter: not a dinosaur
- Patrick, Shawanee’ Walk This Way
- Bartlett, Harrison *Private) Lifting the Toe in Swing Phase: A Passive Dorsiflexing Ankle Prosthesis
- Roembke, Rebecca TADA Design
- Nichols, Kieran Exploration of semi-active control laws for the Two Axis aDaptable Ankle (TADA)
T2: Learning approaches to Control
- Dai, Min & Xiong,Xiaobin Data-driven Step-to-step Dynamics based Robust and Adaptive Bipedal Robotic Walking
- Rajendran, Vidyasagar Towards Evolving Humanoid Locomotion: Learning to Dynamically Interact with a Segway from Humans
- Clark, Geoffrey Machine Learning for Adaptive Terrain Sensing and Control
- Ding, Jiayu Exploring Asymmetrical Gaits Using Natural Dynamics
- Eckstein, Noah Dice Stacking is Open Loop
- H. Hernandez, Stephanie Lower limb motor adaptation during a haptic reaching task
T3: Robustness Robotics
- Ding, Yanran Dynamic Walking with Footstep Adaptation on the MIT Humanoid via Linear Model Predictive Control
- Verhagen, Joris From Human Walking To Bipedal Robot Locomotion: Reflex Inspired Compensation on Expected and Unexpected Downsteps
- *No sounds we apologize! Please Check out the backup copy
- Backup Copy
- Bryan, Gwen Towards improving exoskeleton gait patterns for those with spinal cord injuries
- Rouse, Elliott & Medrano, Roberto Leo
- Rawal, Nundini A Vickrey Auction Robo-bidder Sensitivity Analysis
T4: Robot Design 2
- Rezazadeh, Siavash Design and Manufacturing of Mithra: A Humanoid with High-Performance, Backdrivable Actuators
- Yim, Justin Walking and turning with few actuators
- Yang, Chunming Gait Control and Torso Balance on Quadruped Robot Unitree A1
- Van Crey, Nikko Variable Stiffness Orthosis
- Dominguez, Israel & Luo, Shuzhen
- Fehr, Heidi Real-World Whole Foot Ground Clearance
- Bons, Zach A Compact, Lightweight Rotary Spring Design
T5: Methodology
- Baroudi, Loubna Contextualizing Walking Energetics in the Real World
- Ojeda, Lauro Stitching the Human Body Together, one IMU at the Time
- Wang, Yisen Joint Movement Reconstruction in Long-Term Real-World Tracking
- Alwan, Aya Metabolic cost of walking in non-constant curvatures
- van der Zee, Tim An integrative mechanistic model of muscle activation and its metabolic cost
- Harper, Sara Mobile Method for Monitoring Muscle-Tendon Mechanics
- Bennett, S. Tyler Kinematic Effects of Exosuits During Pushing of Construction Refuse Carts
<Day3: Wednesday, 6/14>
W1: Methodology for human experiments
- Malcolm, Philippe Optimizing wearable robots based on human experiments rather than biomimicry
- Bywater, Emily Investigations into Increasing Vertical Jumping Abilities with Bilateral Ankle Exoskeletons
- Kantharaju, Prakyath Human in the loop optimization for squatting
- Li, Kejun Natural Multicontact Walking for Robotic Assistive Devices Via Musculoskeletal Models and Hybrid Zero Dynamics
- Slaughter, Paul An Instrumented Clutch Design for Quasi-Passive Exos
- Echeveste, Salvador A Hip Emulating Research Orthotic to Reduce Swinging Leg Muscle Activity Using Custom Torque Profiles
W2: Perspectives
- Burden, Sam Human/Machine Interaction is a Sensorimotor Game
- Muralidhar, Sriram Force Sharing: An Optimality Framework
- Jeong, Hyeongkeun Visual Guidance helped the use of the device
- Gregg, Robert Controlling Locomotion over Continuously Varying Activities for Agile Powered Prosthetic Legs
- Best, T. Kevin A Convex Optimization Approach for Phase-Variable Impedance Control of Knee-Ankle Prostheses
W3: Optimization
- Raff, Maximilian A Homotopic Approach for Optimal Gait Generation
- Acosta, Brian **Private) Augmenting Reduced Order Models with Reinforcement Learning
- Csomay-Shanklin, Noel Bipedal Locomotion with Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: Online Gait Generation using Whole-Body Dynamics
- Bhandawat, Vikas Towards a general model for legged locomotion – from the tiny fruit fly to the mighty humans
- Kang, Inseung Inverting locomotor learning algorithms from data
- Fitzsimons, Karson Distinguishing features of slow walking from the causes
- Hernandez-Hinojosa, Ernesto Using a Linear Inverted Pendulum Model to Design a Stepping Controller for Digit
W4: Perspectives – Robustness and Stability
- Yang, William Impact-Invariant Bipedal Running
- Payne, J. Joe Kalman Filtering for Hybrid Systems
<Day4: Thursday, 6/14>
R1: Perspective
- Englsberger, Johannes Best Practice for Co-Design of legged robotic systems
- Dzewaltowski, Alex Actuation before you can blink
R2: Robot Design 3
- Ramos, Joao On the design of the dynamic humanoid Tello
- Buchmann, Alexandra Foot-Ground Contact Models for Predictive Neuromuscular Simulations
- Kelly, David Optimizing Template Models to Quantifiably Assess Center of Mass Kinematic Reconstruction
R3: Optimization 3
- Welte, Lauren How does the spring-like arch enable propulsion?
- Ebers, Megan Do in silico MTU dynamics improve prediction of muscular response to exoskeleton walking? (Zoom)
- ** No sound recorded due to AV team’s mistake. We apologize!
- Badri-Spröwitz, Alexander Classification of Animal Feet Adaptations
R4: Methodology for human experiments
- Mattis, Jonathan S How to study (in) the real world: Light, Meat Robots, and Laser Skeletons
- Cherian, Aaron Validating the FreeMoCap System
- Cicalo, Chris & Hartigan, Kiley Markerless Motion Capture for Unconstrained Outdoor Environments
R6: Open Mic Fun and Conclusion
- Ruina, Andy Mic Fun and Conclusion
<Demo Videos>
- #35) Hybrid Volitional Control for Robotic Ankle Prostheses (Ryan Posh)
- #66) The separate roles of the ankle plantar flexors in ankle push-off during human walking – A bipedal robot study (Bernadett Kiss)
- #71) SELDA: Series Elastic Diaphragm Actuator 1 (An Mo)
- #71) SELDA: Series Elastic Diaphragm Actuator 2 (An Mo)
- #78) Walking and turning with few actuators 1 (Justin Yim)
- #78) Walking and turning with few actuators 2 (Justin Yim)
- #79) Legs as linkages; muscles as tension struts. The mammalian hindlimb as a series of Watt’s 6-bar linkages 1 (Jim Usherwood)
- #79) Legs as linkages; muscles as tension struts. The mammalian hindlimb as a series of Watt’s 6-bar linkages 2 (Jim Usherwood)
- #93) Leg clutching inspired by birds (Alexander Sprowitz)
- #104) Trialing Springy Foot Designs for a Novel Hopping Mechanism (Chang Liu)
- #134) Mobile Method for Monitoring Muscle-Tendon Mechanics (Sara Harper)
- #141) Task-Invariant Control of Backdrivable Knee Exoskeletons for Partial Assistance (Jianping Lin)
- #150) Hoop Motors for Novel Exoskeleton Architecture (Riley G. Pieper)
- #159) On the design of the dynamic humanoid Tello (Joao Ramos)
- #160) Modulating Achilles Tendon Force with a Passive Elastic Exosuit (Dylan Schmitz)
- #162) Investigations into Increasing Vertical Jumping Abilities with Bilateral Ankle Exoskeletons (Emily Bywater)
- #168) The Footropter: not a dinosaur (Max Shepherd)
- #175) Design of commercially viable, personalized passive prosthetic feet 1 (Charlotte Folinus)
- #175) Design of commercially viable, personalized passive prosthetic feet 2 (Charlotte Folinus)
- #181) A Compact, Lightweight Rotary Spring Design (Zach Bons)
- Dice Game (Noah Eckstein)
- TADA Prosthetics Torsobot Weeblebot (UW BadgerLab)
(If there is any wrong information, please email